About NC

As good Citizen, he develops his love and loyalty to his country as an intellectual center, to dispense with sound ideas, to conserve, transmit, and promote the national culture, thus acting as agent of social change.
As a Person, he is honest and courteous with respect to self, elders, and superiors so that he could readily transmit values that would let others realize the same.

As a Student, he is intellectually, socially, and morally healthy with food conduct. He knows his responsibilities and obligations in the school and in the community where he belongs. He is independent and know how to obey authority. Hence he shows his conscientious interest in his own self-development to speed up learning for the benefit of the school community.
As a God-fearing individual, he serves as an inspiration to his fellowmen regardless of their age, gender, grade levels, ethic origins, and religious affiliations.